Our Mission

To help farmers use regenerative farming methods that restore ecosystem health, grow more nutrient dense food, and sustain their farms’ success for generations.

“Education on regenerative practices is somewhat available to farmers now. There are some funding sources to help them transition. But, the broad shift won’t happen unless there is a market for regenerative sourced products and the infrastructure to deliver them. Only then will many farmers want to adopt new ways of thinking, planning and taking action. That is why we have designed a Holistic Hub.” - Phil Forbes, KRN Leader

The Problem

Midwestern agricultural practices destroy healthy ecosystems' ability to produce pollution-free nutrient-dense food for people and their resiliency to survive extreme weather events caused by global climate change. Holistic Management is the regenerative agriculture-based solution, but Midwestern farmers (a) need to be made aware of it or (b) are distracted by other regenerative ag solutions - so Holistic Management is not being implemented widely enough to create change.

"Holistic" Solutions

The Kalona Regenerative Network provides Holistic Management training, EOV monitoring, Land to Market Verification services, and funding to pay for those services. However, it also builds farmer demand for those services by creating customer demand for regenerative sourced products and the supply chain infrastructure necessary to bring them to market. 

Why Us?
Consumer Education

Unique experience with consumer education strategies tested successfully with national organic dairy brand and smaller midwestern brands. Much of this is proprietary and NOT visible on our social media feeds. Contact us for details.

Why Us?
Farming Experience

20 years experience in food supply chain industry, organic farming, and collaborative work with over 600 small farmers bring credibility to coalition building efforts. Contractual requirements limit our ability to discuss this operation, but we've saved hundreds of farms.

Why Us?
Business Experience

Expertise developed by starting up and growing 10 profitable farm and food related businesses including milk brokering, bulk organic ingredient, trucking and logistics company, creamery, distribution company, retail/tourism business, and national brand.

Why Us?
Supply Chain Infrastructure 

Supply chain infrastructure directed towards regenerative sourced products including 3 production facilities, warehouse, trucking company, midwestern distribution network, national distribution connections.

Savory Institute Trained, Millions Raised, Decades of Nonprofit Work 
